jueves, octubre 12, 2017


"A powerful letter from a mother to her daughter is offering a message that can inspire anyone. " - The Huffington Post 


"This should be required reading for all mamas and their daughters." - Parents Magazine

"Hammer has done a wonderful job putting into words the different ways we want our children to love and respect themselves." - Scary Mommy

What began as a simple 222-word letter to her daughter became an empowering message that spread around the world. When her five-year-old daughter started kindergarten, Toni Hammer decided to write down some advice to help her daughter grow into a strong, independent, confident woman who knew how to be unapologetically who she was. Things like, “Don’t wear a dress if you don’t want to,” and “If you’re hungry, eat, and eat what you want.” The words resonated so strongly with her readers that Toni has chosen to turn into a book. A portion of all sales will be donated to organizations whose missions are to empower and encourage young women everywhere to be who they are and do what they want to do.

Toni Hammer
22 de septiembre ·

To my daughter,

Don't apologize when someone else bumps into you.

Don't say "sorry to be such a pain." You're not a pain. You're a person with thoughts and feelings who deserves respect.

Don't make up reasons as to why you can't go out with a guy you don't wanna go out with. You don't owe anyone an explanation. A simple "no thanks" should be acceptable.

Don't overthink what you eat in front of people. If you're hungry, eat, and eat what you want. If you want pizza, don't get a salad just because other people are around. Order the damn pizza.

Don't keep your hair long to make someone else happy.

Don't wear a dress if you don't want to.

Don't stay home because you don't have anyone to go out with. Take yourself out. Have experiences by yourself and for yourself.

Don't hold back your tears. Crying means you're feeling something that needs to get out. It's not a weakness. It's being human.

Don't smile because someone told you to.

Don't be afraid to laugh at your own jokes.

Don't say "yes" to be polite. Say "no" because it's your life.

Don't hide your opinions. Speak up and speak loudly. You should be heard.

Don't apologize for being who you are. Be brave and bold and beautiful. Be unapologetically you.

«A mi hija,

No te disculpes si alguien tropieza contigo en la calle.

No digas que “eres una molestia” porque no lo eres. Simplemente eres un ser humano con pensamientos y sentimientos que merece respeto.

No inventes razones para declinar una cita. No le debes explicaciones a nadie. Un simple «no, gracias» debería ser suficiente.

No piense demasiado acerca de lo que debes comer delante de la gente. Si tienes hambre come y come lo que quieras. Si quieres una pizza, no pidas una ensalada solo porque hay personas a tu alrededor. Ordena la maldita pizza.

No dejes tu pelo largo para que otro sea feliz.

No uses vestido si no quieres.

No te quedes en casa porque no tienes con quien salir. Invítate a ti misma, ten experiencias por y para ti.

No aguantes tus lágrimas. Llorar significa que lo que estás sintiendo necesita salir. No es debilidad, es ser humano.

No sonrías solo porque te lo piden.

No tengas miedo de reírte de tus propias bromas.

No digas que “sí” solo para ser cortés. Dí que “no” porque es tu vida.

No escondas tus opiniones, habla y habla alta. Todos necesitan escuchar lo que tienes para decir.

No te disculpes por lo que eres. Se valiente, audaz y hermosa. Se inexcusablemente tú».

Curiosamente, no me pareció una idea tan descabellada, de hecho creo que todos los padres deberíamos hacer una de estas.


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